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Migration de Base de données et d'Application multiplateforme Hautement Automatisée, Personnalisée et Optimisée

PgConf.Russia 2017. Results.

March 23, 2017

PgConf.Russia 2017

On March 15-17 Moscow hosted the international conference PGConf.Russia 2017, one of the silver partners and speakers of which was the company Ispirer Systems!

PgConf.Russia 2017 is the third annual international conference dedicated to PostgreSQL, which is held in Russia and brings together more than 500 professionals from Russian Federation and other countries, including database and application developers, database administrators, IT managers, journalists and others.

Today PostgreSQL is one of the most promising directions of database migration. Ispirer Systems team is constantly working on the automation of the transition to PostgreSQL from other relational databases - this particular subjects matter was developed during the report of the head of Database Migration and Modernization Department at Ispirer Systems − Dmitry Susha.

Migrating a database is not an easy task. It especially concerns the migration of business logic, including SQL objects such as views, triggers, functions, stored procedures and others. The presentation allowed to throw light on the main characteristics of the software for automatic migration − Ispirer Migration and Modernization Toolkit, − which supports not only migration of databases, but also applications, embedded SQL code, and, therefore, allows to cope with such tasks.

Follow our news, as very soon we’re going to publish photos and video from the PGConf.Russia 2017 conference with the participation of the Ispirer Systems team!

Decitre, France

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TSS Consultancy, Inde

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Etudes de cas
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Sybase ASE vers Microsoft SQL Server, Chili

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